This weekend we go through the ritual of turning back the clocks. But only an hour. If only we could turn back whole calendar pages, it would be much more useful. My list of things to do for 2023 would have a better chance of having more items crossed off.
It seems that much of my gem related activity this year has been struggling with things I thought I had previously resolved. Stones seemed to resist polishing. And when it came to getting photographs, they were about a cooperative as a toddler posing for the holiday picture.
So now at the end of the year, I am finally getting around to faceting some of the tourmalines I purchased in Tucson back in February — February 2020 as well as February 2023. So here are a few of the latest “off the dop”.
This is a little 1.06 carat chrome tourmaline (6.4 mm.) Just a lovely shade of green. (One that the digital camera liked as well.)
Next is a 2.58 carat light peachy tourmaline, 8.1 mm. across which has concave facets on both pavilion and crown. The rough was bicolor, pink towards one end and light green at the other. However, the green end was not deep and was heavily included and cracked. I had thought that all of the green was being cut away in the process of getting the piece clean. Apparently enough green was left so that there is a hint of green around the edge of the stone.
Here is another slightly darker peachy tourmaline with concave facets on both pavilion and crown. It is 3.26 carats and 8.9 mm. in diameter. No green in this one.
And finally, a fairly traditional square green tourmaline. It is 2.56 carats and 8.9 mm, across. Of course I didn’t notice the lint captured on the upper facets until I was processing the photo.