Meanwhile, back at the farm

When I left for ten wonderful days of gem related shows and events in Tucson, the garden was in its winter sleep except for weeds which were taking advantage of the situation to get a head start.  Yesterday afternoon when I returned, I was greeted by the beginnings of spring.

A couple of the early peaches had popped into bloom while I was away.

Daffodils of various kinds were beginning to bloom.

In the fall I had gone through the orchard and removed what I thought was most of the bulbs as they had multiplied to the point they were pushing new ones out of the ground.  As a result, I was not expecting much, if any to produce blooms this year.

But fortunately, they were not going to let me down.  Blooms are popping up everywhere.

And mixed in among the weeds are nasturtiums and calendulas which have self seeded from plantings that were done several years back.