A view down the orchard row on an April Showers morning. The blackberry bushes along the fence are full of blooms.
The five-in-one peach tree has most of its varieties full of peaches. Some thinning has been done or it would be solid peaches.
Some plums that are about cherry size and had been growing in clusters looking much like cherries — except for being green.
Here is one of the real cherry trees. There were a lot more flowers than there are baby cherries, but probably not bad for a first time for this tree.
Two grafts that I did with scions from the local scion exchange event. The original bench graft apple did not take, but the rootstock sent out additional shoots to provide for a second and third try.
Half of the hill out front is purple. Mostly lavender which started with a few plants and has been seeding itself and spreading despite the drought of the past years.
Lavender flowers along with some other purples – vetch in this case. Clover and some other lupine(?) are also in the mix.